2 min readAug 7, 2022


While you make some valid points and I do agree Trump will never go to prison, at this point the number one reason this will not happen is due to the lack of evidence of an actual crime.

This is not to say one wasn't committed, nor is it to say that it was, but from a legal perspective, there is no evidence of an indefensible crime.

The word "indefensible" is an important word. That has to be true for an indictment to happen under the federal criminal rules of procedure.

Keep in mind that none of the testimony from the Jan 6 hearings is admissible as evidence because it wasn't cross examined. Most if it wouldn't have even have survived to be crossed as it would have been stricken before or as it was stated.

For example, "grabbing the steering wheel" was denied by everyone in the car, including the secret service who offered to testify. However, an aide testified that she "heard" from somebody who "heard" from somebody else that this happened. That is hearsay of hearsay and subject to the limitations of reconstructive memory, and not evidence admisible in any court in the world.

Plus think about it, how on Earth is Trump, a 240 lb, 6'3" tall, 76 year old man going to suddenly "lunge" and grab a steering wheel, from the backseat mind you, from a healthy, combat trained, 30-something or 40-something secret service agent whose training is specifically for circumventing such situations. It simply doesn't make any sense.

That aside, the point is that thus far, sufficient evidence of an indefensible and indictable offense simply has not been presented.

Maybe the Jan 6 committee has something a smoking gun hidden somewhere and we just haven't heard it yet. It's possible, but as it sits today, there is nothing that would lead to an indictment, much less prosecution, conviction, or jail.



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