Well said. I don't think people realize how ignorant they sound when they call it a coup. There may be a handful of nuts who had that unrealistic intention, but the event as a whole certainly did not. Moreover, it was not even possible.
It's astonishing and comical that any American would think the country is so weak that a couple idiots with zip ties would be capable of overthrowing the United States government.
Even a couple homemade pipebombs found down the road, where were not armed mind you, is a moronic argument to the contrary.
The United States is slightly more stable than that.
The only thing it does when people say that, other than promote ignorance, is give the handful of idiots with seditious or malicious intent exactly what they want, that is a sense of accomplishment and deeper purpose when at the end of the day, they were just a few idiots who should be convicted of conspiracy and trespassing and they'll spend the same amount of time in jail without the martyr complex.