We all need to calm down. Trump isn't Hitler, and neither is Biden. We say the worst possible things we can about people we don't even know. Much of this is the media's fault. I would say they are more responsible than anyone.
Things went to far and people are dead. I'm not pointing fingers at anyone. I didn't vote for Trump and I disagree with some of his policies, but I certainly don't want to see any current of former President of the United States get assassinated. Just watching what happened was horrific.
I'm glad he immediately showed he was well and I am happy Biden said what he did. Given the circumstances, I think both men are handling the situation very well.
I don't care if Biden incited this or not, both parties have been talking shit for far too long and now a hard lessoned had to be learned. What I care about is this not repeating.
You know if you call someone Hitler enough times, somebody somewhere is going to believe it, if Trump or Biden really were like Hitler, it would be all of our responsibility to take them out.
Words matter.