The problem is what your defining as "Chritian beliefs" are actually beliefs of only 1 of the over 200 branches of Christianity and not even a full branch, it's a portion of a branch. You're basically talking about the extremists which are the evangelicals, which is a portion of Protestants.
These make up maybe 14% or less of the worlds Christians and it may be as low as 6% as of 2024.
In other words, the overwhelmingly vast majority if Christians do not belief in any of the crazy things you have mentioned here.
That said, I doubt your PhD friends subscribe to that extreme group of nutcases and you'd likely find their actual beliefs within the range of normal.
Note that the many branches of Christianity are very different with very different beliefs. You're categorizing all of them as one and insinuating they believe the same things, but the things you mention are the beliefs of only a tiny fraction of Christianity and, yes, they are nut jobs.