Setting aside the implausibility under the laws of physics, I will just take your word for it. I have no way of verifying this since I do not know the man personally.
For a white supremacist, he sure hangs out with a lot of people varied race and ethnicity.
Actually, assuming the text is even verifiable since currently, nobody knows if it's even real, but assuming it was, he stated the exact opposite of what you just said. He said it was NOT acceptable to wish a brutal death on anyone.
Someone admits they are wrong and wants to correct themselves, and you criticize them for it?
Do you also slap a child's hand because they walk past a cookie jar and do not steal a cookie? Or put back the cookie they had stolen?
That appears to contradict the concepts of change, unity, or progression.
I also didn't suggest offering him the benefit of the doubt. I suggested he be asked to clarify his words so that there is no confusion. If he is truly the things you say he is, then he'll have no problem confirming what you already think. The benefit of the doubt would assume an improbability of indifference to relative opinions of one offering the provision.
Regarding your allegations, can you provide an example of these years of hatred and violence he has spread?
At the end of the day, my only point is everybody has a different opinion on the interpretation of what his text meant, yet not a single person has bothered to clarify a single word and as a scientist, I do not make it a practice to subscribe to hearsay or implied veracity without evidenced premise.