It may replace office IT coders who perform programming tasks that have been done 1000 times, but it will not replace innovative engineering because AI is trained on the accomplishments of humans. It can help solve certain roadblocks, but this takes time and then it’s still limited. It will never think creatively unless it can feel emotion.
This is the same issue AI art, AI writing, and others have. Ever notice that all AI art looks the same?
But let’s say by some miracle it becomes a Sr. Developer who understand perfect human English or other language. What then? It’s going to smack headfirst into the exact same problem and ultimately fail for the same reasons overseas outsourcing did.
You’re going to end up spending more time fixing, testing, reviewing, and specifying requirements and results than you would just handing it to proficient in house developer familiar with your products and team.
Don’t get me wrong, there is a place for AI in the industry just as there is a place for outsourcing, but neither will ever replace all coders at a company, at least not a commercial software company.
At least not what we currently call AI, which isn’t really AI. Someday true AI may play a significant role in development, but we are decades away from this if not longer.
Truthfully, we are still a long ways from AI being very useful in development. Currently it sucks being able to be helpful in only simple things that are well known and can be easily located on the internet.
At least with the public version of “AI” which is about 10 years behind what’s being done behind the scenes.
That’s my opinion anyway.