1 min readMar 30, 2024


IMHO she sounds more American than you do. She is considering the options and plans to vote predicated upon who she feels can better address the issues that affect her and her family. That’s how democracy works, that’s how freedom works, and that’s her human right.

You in the other hand are making an absolutists claim. Moreover, you’re expressing relative opinions to fortify a position that one candidate is not an option premised by insinuating a dictatorship is in some way a plausible form of rule in the United States, which it isn’t and can’t ever be unless over 75% of the country wanted it to happen, voted in members of congress who supported it, who then amended the constitution with a supermajority vote. Even the simplest of amendments have failed to get anywhere close in over 50 years and there is a zero percent chance that’s going to transpire in a country where approximately 100% of the population is against it.

Making absolutist claims is what dictators do.



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