If you optate to note a couple of homogeneous attributes, fine. I can draw a couple kindred attributes between you, me, and every child murderer on death row. That fails to denote either of us child murderers. Insinuating otherwise is explicitly disingenuous as there is no candidate who even approaches the evil of Hitler.
As far as enforcing federal law against those who have entered and/or reside in this country illegally is concerned, I have no remonstration. Regarding "camps", even illegal immigrants have a right to due process under our Constitution. Would you rather they just dump them across the border?
It has taken me a good part of the past year to help a dear friend get her mother and sister over here legally. I can discern their frustration observing people illegally cross the border, and quite frankly, I do not concur. Asylum seekers enter licitly, I am not referring to them.
The "very fine people" fabrication has been thoroughly debunked, even by Snopes: See https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-very-fine-people/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
Setting aside the comment being taken out of context, given the current fentanyl epidemic in the country I'm not sure I can disaccord with the blood poisoning comment.
Neither Trump nor the "Trumpers" (what is a Trumper exactly?) invented the term "radical socialist" in deference to the Democrats. I've heard that reference from the right all my life. I additionally dissent with it. Certainly there are some nutcases on the left with these views, but for the most part, these views do not define Democrats holistically. That said, can you denominate a single reference to anyone saying Democrats eat children?
As far as the rest, do you have any reference to fortify your incriminations? Admittedly I don't pay much attention to anything Trump says, but it seems I would have heard something about allegations of such magnitude. However, it is certainly plausible that I may be simply uninformed, which is why I ask.