I had allot of respect for everything you were saying up until you said "no proof of widespread voter fraud".
This continues to be the "approved" liberal phrase, but not what was primarily alleged. Read Tumps speech from Jan 6th. Actually read it.
As he stated again, his issue is with non-legislative rulings of which only the Supreme Court can rule. Thus, nobody can accurately say anything about the election either way. Only the Supreme Court can and they (Tump) failed to get there in time.
I think the "stolen election" movement is stupid and Trump pushing it is irresponsible, but that doesn't invalidate his claim. In fact, he's probably right. However, he's an idiot who didn't handle himself the right way so he screwed himself and most likely deservingly.
Just because the media chose to keep the primary complaint quiet while exploiting antics of crack-ppe attorneys and MyPillow people, does't mean the underlying concern wasn't valid.
This is also not to say that there weren't any idiots that believed them. There were, and Trump regurgitated allot of it without scrutiny.
However, the claim of "no proof of widespread voter fraud" is misaligned and stating there is no evidence of anything to be concerned about is simply false since the evidence are the court filings themselves which appear to be unconstitutional.
I cannot say whether or not they are, only the Supreme Court can do that, which is the law in the United States, and it doesn't matter what you, me, anyone else, and especially not the media, have to say about it or what opinion we have to offer, that is the plain and simple fact. Which ironically means nothing anyone says regarding it being a "stole election" or "fair election" is factual and nothing more than an opinion. Unless you're a Supreme Court judge of course, in which case just ignore everything I just said.
I offer this respectfully, because I thought you had allot of valid points until I ran across that and then didn't finish the article. I will now that I have made this comment, however, anything using this as a premise will seem flawed.