I agree with you that that are two different things. However, this is Harvard we're talking about here, not Bob's Community College. Very few people accepted into Harvard don't enroll. In fact Harvard has an 84% yield rate. Which is insane. The national average is 33.6%.
Asians make up 20% of the student body on average at Harvard. In the class of 2021 the diversity was 52.1% white, 23.8% Asian, 11.4% percent Black or African American, 10.2% Hispanic or Latino, 1.7% American Indian or Alaska Native, and 0.8% percent as Pacific Islander.
Which means ALL races, except for Asians, we're under-represented. While black's come in at a close second, they are still under-represented.
So it is a difficult argument to claim an Asian applicant was somehow disenfranchised by affirmative action. The numbers simply do not show this.
Also to note again, the Harvard application does not mandate the disclosure of race/ethnicity.
I do see your point, and in some cases at some Universities, you might even have a valid argument, but in regards to Harvard, given the foregoing, I would have to respectfully disagree.