2 min readDec 30, 2022


Clearly you're not here in Texas and dont know what youre talking about. You certainly don't volunteer to help these people, of you dus, you would know that everythind you said is wrong. They were freezing in the streets because all the shelters are jammed pack due to the millions pouring over the border.

They don't have to take advantage of the bus program, but if they do, they have multiple cities to select from and its free. It also didn't just happen on Christmas Eve, they're scheduled 6 days a week and depart when they are full.

Would you have rather they die on the streets in Texas? That's what's been happening. Many don't even make it that far, they die getting from the border to a town or city.

Once they do, there's no place left to shelter them. New York is in a state of emergency because they received 14,000 migrants over the course of a few months, while Texas receives around 64,000 migrants every single WEEK.

Border patrol (the feds) process them and dump them in Texas with no money, no food, no shelter, nothing. Many if them die trying to get to border towns and cities. Once they get there, there's food and water that's donated, but shelters are full, so they end up in the street waiting for an open shelter spot.

Don't believe everything you hear in the news. Especially on this topic.

Instead of spreading misinformation, wh6 notbcome down here and volunteer for a few days to help out and then you'll see what's really going on.

If thats too much, then how about donating to help, here's both a RED state and BLUE state you can donate through if you can stop hating people long enough to help.



If you prefer PURPLE, that's doable too, here's a Blue city in a Red state:

There's also several others all with the same goal of help these migrants. That is the goal.

If none of the above is doable, then how about suggestions? Do you have a better idea? What would you propose? Any idea anyone has is welcomed, but complaining about the only thing saving their lives is not helpful, it only hurts them more.



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