As a "Native American" (I hate that word which is why it's in quotes) I am respectfully offering you some words for consideration. Be careful what you ask for, because you might get it.
Reparations are bad, they are the monetary or asset equivolent of radiation poisoning. They never satisfy the actual debt, are mostly symbolic, promote proverty, and most importantly, strip you of your rights.
They're also never actual reparations, it's all an illusion.
They sound good and look cool from a far, as a nuclear explosion does, but fast forward 10 years and you in agony as your skin is sliding off your body as you wither away from radiation sickness.
Moreover, what do you think that means monetarily?
The largest ever reparations payment in the entire world was $7 billion pay by the Germans to the Jews. $7 billion. That's sounds credible.
IF the US matched that in excession of $1, it would set the new world record and the entire planet would cheer and the issue would be settled.
Until you got the check, which would equate to approximately $167 bucks, with no ground to stand on ever again, and likely draining current programs afforded to you.
I would take $1 trillion, a number there wouldn't be enough qualifying tax dollars to even support, to get a check for $20,000 which is hardly helpful in this economy, and while useful long term to some, also damaging to others.
I could go on, but that is besides the point, because whatever the amount is, historically, it causes more harm than good and even if you were alloted that 1 trillion, it would never be distributed the way you think it would causing even more grief.
What's right, is not always what is best.
This is merely food for thought in good faith, I truly hope the best for you and your family and if you are compensated for the labor of your ancestors, I hope it has a positive effect. I really do.