According to my daughter, she said the trailor was the biggest let-down in Disney history because at first she though Halle Bailey was Gabriella. Gabriella is a fan favorite mermaid of color who has a cult following herself because she's based on a real person. (Google the story, it's rather touching)
When she found out it was Ariel, she was dissappointed beause it wasn't Gabriella and asked what is Gabriella going to look like now and are they changing all of the characters and how is she going to know who is who and why are they making everything confusing and Ariel is supposed to have red hair. etc...
But, nevertheless she wants to see it.
Here's a link to a bunch of Gabriella Disney stills.
Now she's worried they are going to replace Pocahontas, which is her favorite character.
I don't know anthing about these characters, everythig above I recently learned from my daughter, so I really have no opinion on any of this, but I thought I would share the perspective of a huge Disney fan and teenager of color.